Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
We’ve made it to here.
Collectively, we have survived. I am alive. I hope you are here with your heart intact.
Welcome to 2022 and welcome to my new Studio Judy G in downtown Watsonville. It is a wonderful place to be. I hope you come visit.
This year my favorite Jewish Holiday, Tu B’shevat is next Sunday. And, what is worth celebrating more than trees and taxes? As an artist, these events both spark personal joy. The 15th (Tu) day of the month of Shevat, is the celebration of trees and was originally the record keeping date and tax paying mechanism. If my tree was planted prior to Tu B’shevat, on the holiday it is considered to be one year old. If the tree is planted the day after Tu B’shevat, it will wait an entire year to become one year old. It was the day to record, inventory, and tax trees. In the 16th century, the Kabbalists created a new ritual to celebrate Tu B’Shevat called the Feast of Fruits.
As a kid, we collected and raised money in a little box to send to plant trees in Israel. As an adult, I happened upon the roots of Tu B’shevat - from the Torah passage Deuteronomy Chapter 8. - For the divine spirit bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths, springing forth in valleys and hills.
And the Feast of Fruits was based upon - Deuteronomy Chapter 8.8 a land of wheat and barley, vines and figs and pomegranates, a land of oil producing olives and dates.
After a situation of severe personal trial, in which different elements interacted, leading to the creation of something new, I met Greg. We have been together now for over a dozen years and have celebrated each year together since 2010. In 2010 I painted the series to celebrate Tu B’shevat Holy Sustenance, featuring the seven foods of Deuteronomy 8.8. The holiday of Tu B’shevat became Greg and my anniversary. And our union continues to be nurturing and enthralling.
On this Tu B’shevat let’s celebrate this good land and the fine fruit we bear together.